Natalia Butrik, Senior Property Expert, 14

Natalia Butrik

Senior Property Expert

Experience:3 years
Specialization:Primary Market
Language:English, Russian

Natalia was born in Russia, in frosty Siberia, near lake Baikal. But she chose hot Dubai as the city to live in, which she considers her home for more than 10 years.

She started her career in Dubai in the field of organizing events, where she received unique skills in international communication. Natalia took part in organising the first Russian Music Festival in Dubai, held weddings for representatives of different nationalities in the tallest building in the world – Burj Khalifa.

Natalia has a MBA degree, she is an excellent expert of Dubai and ready to share her real experience of living in the city with her clients. Combination of her analytical mind and attention to detail make her a super agent.

Natalia's portfolio includes more than 50 satisfied clients who have purchased real estate or successfully invested according to her recommendations.

A little about personal life

Natalia loves theater, once she played a main role in a performance based on a play by Shakespeare. She is interested in psychology and everything related to human nature.

Prompt consultation

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Our agents

Ben Thomas, Head of Secondary, 50
Dmitri Zolotco, Senior Sales Manager, 7
Maksim Tuguchev, Sales Manager, 31
Shehryar Malik, Senior Sales Manager, 26
Anda Campulungeanu, Senior Investment Advisor, 53
Olga Gojin, Property Expert, 93
Luiza Ribas Patane, Senior Property Expert, 25
Azim Choudry, Sales Manager, 280
Aram Grigorian, Senior Property Expert, 54
Armin Gharineiat, Senior Sales Manager, 44
Anastasia Jakovleva, Senior Property Consultant, 52
Natalia Butrik, Senior Property Expert, 14
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