Dimitry Zolotco, Senior Sales Manager, 7

Dimitry Zolotco

Director asociat

Experienţă:12 an
Specializare:Piața primară
Limba:Engleză, Rusă, Română

Doctor în Științe în Drept Internațional, un excelent negociator și diplomat, Dimitry este capabil să apere cu blândețe, dar cu încredere, interesele clienților.

Acesta are peste 10 ani de experiență internațională în industria imobiliară. El a lucrat la Comisia Parlamentară de Politică Externă, a predat la Academia de Administrație Publică și a fost proprietarul propriei agenții imobiliare din Chișinău.

La AX CAPITAL el deține o poziție de lider și stabilește vectorul pentru dezvoltarea nu numai a echipei sale, pe care o numește „Campionii mei”, ci și a întregii agenții.

Puțin despre viața personală

Dimitry este un adevărat polimat, și-a susținut teza de doctorat la vârsta de 25 de ani, este autor de articole științifice, monografii și cărți. Dimitry are hobby-uri versatile: îi place istoria, joacă fotbal și tenis și dansează și tango și salsa. Mai presus de toate, prețuiește familia și îi place să petreacă timpul cu cei dragi.

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Jaafar Daher

I am happy with the professional service received from AX CAPITAL, particularly by Dmitry Zolotko. Three deals already done for me and my friend and all of them were with full support and real advice. So I don't regret dealing with AX CAPITAL, and will do it again.

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Alexei Sandler

We would like to express our gratitude to Dmitry. We were in Dubai in January, having a request for a property search. Dmitry very quickly and accurately selected the options. During the search, Dmitry told us about the advantages and disadvantages of each of the locations, which allowed us to form an accurate idea of ​​the desired object.

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Zaure Yerlan

I would like to express my gratitude to Dmitry. I had a request for buying property and received all the necessary information about the most favorable conditions, the best locations, the pros and cons. He is very attentive to every request and helps with any questions.

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Mihail Pavlov

I would like to thank the agency from the bottom of my heart for its help in choosing an apartment, registering it and accompanying the entire transaction. Special sincere gratitude to Dmitry for his professionalism in work and positive attitude. Thanks to Dmitry, we got exactly what we wanted without any hassle. Prompt solution of all issues and excellent organization! Thank you for your cooperation! Good clients to you!

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Jaafar Daher

I am happy with the professional service received from AX CAPITAL, particularly by Dmitry Zolotko. Three deals already done for me and my friend and all of them were with full support and real advice. So I don't regret dealing with AX CAPITAL, and will do it again.

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Alexei Sandler

We would like to express our gratitude to Dmitry. We were in Dubai in January, having a request for a property search. Dmitry very quickly and accurately selected the options. During the search, Dmitry told us about the advantages and disadvantages of each of the locations, which allowed us to form an accurate idea of ​​the desired object.

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Zaure Yerlan

I would like to express my gratitude to Dmitry. I had a request for buying property and received all the necessary information about the most favorable conditions, the best locations, the pros and cons. He is very attentive to every request and helps with any questions.

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Mihail Pavlov

I would like to thank the agency from the bottom of my heart for its help in choosing an apartment, registering it and accompanying the entire transaction. Special sincere gratitude to Dmitry for his professionalism in work and positive attitude. Thanks to Dmitry, we got exactly what we wanted without any hassle. Prompt solution of all issues and excellent organization! Thank you for your cooperation! Good clients to you!

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Jaafar Daher

I am happy with the professional service received from AX CAPITAL, particularly by Dmitry Zolotko. Three deals already done for me and my friend and all of them were with full support and real advice. So I don't regret dealing with AX CAPITAL, and will do it again.

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Alexei Sandler

We would like to express our gratitude to Dmitry. We were in Dubai in January, having a request for a property search. Dmitry very quickly and accurately selected the options. During the search, Dmitry told us about the advantages and disadvantages of each of the locations, which allowed us to form an accurate idea of ​​the desired object.

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Zaure Yerlan

I would like to express my gratitude to Dmitry. I had a request for buying property and received all the necessary information about the most favorable conditions, the best locations, the pros and cons. He is very attentive to every request and helps with any questions.

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Mihail Pavlov

I would like to thank the agency from the bottom of my heart for its help in choosing an apartment, registering it and accompanying the entire transaction. Special sincere gratitude to Dmitry for his professionalism in work and positive attitude. Thanks to Dmitry, we got exactly what we wanted without any hassle. Prompt solution of all issues and excellent organization! Thank you for your cooperation! Good clients to you!

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Arata tot

Agenții Noștri

Ben Thomas, Head of Secondary, 50
Dimitry Zolotco, Senior Sales Manager, 7
Maksim Tuguchev, Sales Manager, 31
Shehryar Malik, Senior Sales Manager, 26
Anda Campulungeanu, Senior Investment Advisor, 53
Olga Gojin, Property Expert, 93
Luiza Ribas Patane, Senior Property Expert, 25
Azim Choudry
Aram Grigorian, Senior Property Expert, 54
Armin Gharineiat, Senior Sales Manager, 44
Anastasia Jakovleva, Senior Property Consultant, 52
Natalia Butrik, Senior Property Expert, 14
Arata tot